Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Model of the month

Name: Nikke Vicious
Age: 26
Location: Alberta, Canada
Q. How did you get into modeling? 
A. I started with helping out my friend who was trying to become a photographer and needed experience, from there I started volunteering my time with projects other photographers in town had going on.

Q. Other than looking sexy in front of the camera, what are your other hobbies?
A. I like to jog, roller blade, draw, read, hula hoop, I'm learning poi which is difficult because its so windy where I live. I also invest a lot of time into video games.

Q. How old were you when you found an interest in modeling and what made you want to start?
A.  I was about 19 when I decided that I was going to go for it, but my interest definitely started around 16 when I became obsessed with wanting to become a Suicide Girl. It took me a while to gain the courage and confidence to pursue modeling.

Q. Where is your favorite place to shop? 
A. I go to Vancouver once or twice a year and I like to shop at all the vintage stores I can find while I'm down there. I enjoy finding clothes that aren't mass produced, so I feel a little unique when I wear things.

Q. What is your favorite beauty product?
A. Probably my colored hair dyes

Q. Where was your favorite shoot so far?
A.  I've only shot in my own town so far.

Q. What you you like to accomplish as a model?
A. I would like to be on the cover of a magazine some day and I would also like to work with my favorite photographers

Q. What advice would you give to a young girl who wants to pursue a modeling career? 
A. Confidence is key, be proud and comfortable with your body. Safety is also very important, research your photographer and make sure they are professional. Don't let yourself get screwed over or put yourself in a dangerous situation.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Liz Clements from London, England

Abandon Ship


To Your Health


Zut Alors

You're So Cool